Παναγιώτης Μητράκης
As a kid of the 80's, he began his journey into gaming with coin-ops and the classic Game Boy. He found some respite with his beloved SNES and got into PC gaming in 1998, with landmark games like Half-Life and Baldur's Gate. He doesn't steer clear of (almost) any genre but has a predilection for RPGs and survival horror and tries to introduce others to Silent Hill, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the creations of Looking Glass and Obsidian. -
Αλέξανδρος Γκέκας
A dedicated PC gamer, Alexandros plays everything depending on the mood of the moment, but shows a preference for turn-based strategy, RPGs and considers UFO: Enemy Unknown as the best game of all time. Otherwise, he tries to hide his turtle-like reflexes by avoiding competitive multiplayer because, as he says, "it doesn't suit him" and is looking for ways to get the "Church of Gaben" recognized as an official religion in his country. -
Ηλίας Ιακωβόπουλος
Raised in the Greek countryside, he was quickly captivated by the lights of his first CRT screen. As a curious and oddball, he went into the deep end early on, not always successfully. Returning to his native land he decided to take up writing, which is when he got involved with the reviews of evil video games. A self-professed medievalist, he judges everything by how many swords he can find in his path, and he has a Voodoo 2 on his head to guard him. -
Σπύρος Μπλιάγκος
He entered the PC Gaming world at a very young age, thanks to the archetypal, larger Cool CousinTM and an Amstrad CPC, with a short break between 1995-1999. He is steeped in nihilistic thoughts, which he tries unsuccessfully to cover up, seeking answers to age-old questions across all genres. -
Κώστας Καλλιανιώτης
Archaeologist/Historian, RPG Player, Motörhead fan, Consumer of Mutton. -
Βασίλης Ξερικός
Born in Athens in 1979. Gamer by gentle dreams, my first contact with the sport was with a clone of Pong at pre-school age. Although a loyal PC user since 1989 and the XT era, I have owned several consoles (Atari 2600, various Sega, Playstation series etc.) and my introduction to gaming journalism was only in January 2012 and PC Master. A veteran of adventure games, I now split my gaming time between MMOs, RPGs (of all kinds) and Shooters. Email: [email protected] Follow me: Facebook | Twitter | SteamID: Kuivamaa -
Μάνος Καρκαλέμης
Manos can't help but feel happy that he was actively involved in gaming writing in the years 2009-2017, when he was given the opportunity to write reviews for some adventure game gems, such as "The Whispered World", "Monkey Island 2-LeChuck's Revenge" (Remastered Edition), "The Book of Unwritten Tales 1&2", "Grim Fandango" (Remastered Edition), "Gabriel Knight-Sins of the Fathers" (25th Anniversary Edition), "Night of the Rabbit", "Memento Mori 2", "Day of the Tentacle" (Remastered Edition). -
Παύλος Γεράνιος
A native of Hyperborea, Pavlos has long since experienced interaction with the screen. The first games he remembers playing were Gran Prix, Test Drive, Digger and Flight for DOS at a time when most people now had Windows... This didn't deter him and he loved the Mother Platform from the very first moment. He also dabbled in the barren fringe of consoles (always at friends' houses, never his own), but it was the PC that kept him going. A lover of quality titles from all genres, he believes how the story and what the game as a medium wants to say is the main thing, not the label. There are always the exceptions of course... -
Γιώργος Δεμπεγιώτης
Lover of action, shooter, adventure, RPG's and sometimes racing games, he prefers mainly single-player gaming. Every now and then he breaks out into a multi, but he doesn't overdo it. -
Νίκος Τσοκτουρίδης
Ο Νίκος, καπετάνιος στο επάγγελμα, δαμάζει τα κύματα παίζοντας games. Έχει ένα μεγάλο όνειρο: Να μεταδώσει στον Τσοκ Τζούνιορ την αγάπη του για το PC Gaming, τον ΠΑΟΚ και το Ragequit. Email: [email protected] - Steam | Facebook -
Νίκος Καλαγκιάς
Nikos is a gamer who is characterized by two simple words: "Steel" and "Fire". Yes, you got it right. Any video game that has a fantasy/medieval element in it has his name written all over it. He plays mostly RPGs and strategies while never saying no to well-polished hack 'n slash fantasy titles. Where the war horn sounds, where steel meets steel, where courage and heroism transcend everything and the sacrifice of a brother exalts the warrior ideals... you will find Nikos next door screaming: "Chaaaarge!"