More Teasers for the next Mass Effect game
Today is N7 Day and BioWare is once again celebrating the legacy of Mass Effect by releasing some short teaser videos for the next Mass Effect game. These are only a few seconds in duration, but they appear to be parts of a larger video.
The first video was spotted by users deciphering clues in the official blog post for the N7 Day event:
The second was found following a link on the EA website:
Logic dictates that more videos will come up in the next few hours, providing us with a clearer picture. However, even in these first few seconds, the back of an N7 armor (Commander Shepard's, perhaps?) can be seen quite clearly.
Rumors about the creation of the 5th Mass Effect game have been circulating since 2019, with a teaser trailer and some artwork showing up since then. The thirst for Mass Effect was also satiated by the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition 2 years ago... but, it seems a new, full title is needed to fully wash away the shame that was Andromeda.
EDIT: Literally seconds after the article was posted, the full version of the video was released: