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Phil Spector


Death Knight
Approval of the Admiral Fighting stocism with stoicism
Nov 24, 2019
στην κουνενα παντως παιζει να μην συνεβαιναν αυτα με τα λινκς..
τι πα να πει?
μπουκωσε απ τα λινκς ο ξενοφόρος? (n)(n)
θα μου καμω ρηάκσο

εντιτ: αληθεια τωρα? δεν μπορω???
ΧΑ. νομιζετε.

unnamed (3).jpg
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Staff member
DDD PCMaster Veteran Order of Alucard Klika Member
Nov 26, 2012
99 στις 100 φορές, όποιος πάει να ποστάρει 10 συνεχόμενα λινκς σε θρεντ είναι bot, οπότε έχει οριστεί αντίστοιχος περιορισμός στις ρυθμίσεις.

Brother Bruce

Approval of the Admiral PCMaster Veteran RQ Elite Beta Tester
Nov 26, 2012
το καλο το παλικαρι εχει κι αλλο ονοματακι/μονοπατακι:



Death Knight
Approval of the Admiral Fighting stocism with stoicism
Nov 24, 2019
Ronnie Spector:

It’s a sad day for music and a sad day for me.
When I was working with Phil Spector, watching him create in the recording studio, I knew I was working with the very best. He was in complete control, directing everyone. So much to love about those days.
Meeting him and falling in love was like a fairytale.
The magical music we were able to make together, was inspired by our love. I loved him madly, and gave my heart and soul to him.
As I said many times while he was alive, he was a brilliant producer, but a lousy husband.
Unfortunately Phil was not able to live and function outside of the recording studio.
Darkness set in, many lives were damaged.
I still smile whenever I hear the music we made together, and always will. The music will be forever.

Steve Van Zandt:

A genius irredeemably conflicted, he was the ultimate example of the Art always being better than the Artist, having made some of the greatest records in history based on the salvation of love while remaining incapable of giving or receiving love his whole life.

κι ενα λινκ που θ αρεσει στον λελο:

μυθικο αποσπασμα με τον λεοναρντ κοέν, ο οποιος ηταν cool as fuck, ως γνωστον.

...One night Spector grabbed Cohen, a bottle of Manischewitz in one hand and a revolver in the other. Shoving the gun against his neck, he said, “Leonard, I love you.” Cohen slowly pushed the barrel away, replying, “I hope you do, Phil.” ...
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