Shadowgate was a point-and-click adventure game for Apple released in 1987, but it became particularly well known in 1989 and beyond when it made its appearance on the NES. Since then a lot of time has passed. Computer and other console versions have come and gone, followed by sequels such as Beyond Shadowgate and Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers, and many remakes. I personally played Shadowgate on a humble, black and white Game Boy and have since declared my love for the game. This version is the result of a highly successful Kickstarter campaign and aspires to bring some of the magic of the original title to our computer screens.

Shadowgate 01If you break a mirror, they say, it's seven years bad luck... I broke three!

Shadowgate Castle is a vast creation filled with secret rooms, catacombs, magic and evil creatures. In the beginning and as you appear at the entrance to the castle, a skull laying on the floor will speak to you and explain how to perform the various commands. Yorick (the skull has a name!) is now a permanent way to get hints when things get tough. Many times the help he will offer you is obvious and most times he will talk to you in riddles so that you have to twist your brain to fully understand the hint. In fact, in the first few rooms, Yorick will continue to help by offering a nice controls tutorial until he completely stops and is now waiting for your every command to offer his help.

The game shows its old school character from the beginning, both because of its gameplay and its difficulty. At the top of the screen are the commands you can execute. Do you want to take a torch that is leaning against the wall? Just click on the TAKE command and then click on the torch creating the TAKE TORCH command. Of course, when it comes to inventory management then things get quite time consuming. The key you just found in the previous room opens a specific portal. Click on the USE command, click on the inventory to open it, click on the key, click to close the inventory and finally click on the gate to unlock it. I know, it's tedious to even read it and - trust me - it's quite tedious in practice. It is, however, the original gameplay of the first Shadowgate and has remained unchanged for that very reason. Sure, some modern tweaks have been added, such as double-clicking on a command that keeps it enabled until you select another one or the ability to create keyboard shortcuts for commands, but the controls as a whole remain "sufficiently" old school.

Shadowgate 02The game's locations are static, but extremely impressive!

Right from the start Shadowgate will grab you by the throat and throw you into its ruthless and cruel world. The torch you always hold in your hand will eventually go out... and then it's game over! Yes, Shadowgate Castle is a huge dark maze and without a torch you're not going anywhere. You have to keep it lit at all times, but also collect other torches to replace it when it goes out. In fact, at the three difficulty levels (Apprentice, Journeyman, Master) your torches will "time out" at different rates... each command you execute (except LOOK) also reduces the duration of your torch by a percentage. You guessed right: at the Master difficulty level this percentage is high!

The differentiation of difficulty levels, however, doesn't stop there. In Apprentice you'll find doors you'll simply never open, items you'll never use, and areas you'll never be able to visit. Instead, at the higher difficulty levels, more of the castle is open for exploration and new, harder puzzles make their appearance. At some point in the game, for example, you will become cursed. The solution to the curse in the Apprentice level is very simple... find the bottle of antidote and drink it. In Master, however, you'll need to find all the ingredients and the recipe to create it yourself! Shadowgate offers a range of options and will completely cater to those new to the game but at the same time, the most demanding adventurers.

Shadowgate 03Now how do we get rid of him?

No mistake goes unpunished. Honestly you will see your death screen too many times. I could easily describe Shadowgate as the "Dark Souls of adventure games". Using an item on a magical inscription, casting a spell on the lone goblin, even opening a door can hide a terrifying and cruel death. The game's trial and error ethos makes its emphatic presence felt throughout the action. Some will be discouraged, others will simply try again and slowly begin to unlock the secrets of the living castle.

Visually, the title holds up well. The Shadowgate castle consists of static but beautiful visuals while the animation is minimal and is mostly on creatures you encounter or effects from spells that light up your screen. Throughout the action you will be accompanied by a beautiful soundtrack and the creators even managed to acquire the rights to the original score of the game, which you will hear arranged in various parts. Don't miss the credits to listen to the incredible metal version of this classic soundtrack.

Shadowgate 04This particular screen will haunt you... Patience!

Despite its drawbacks, Shadowgate manages to maintain the aura and evocative atmosphere of the original game. Its old school character is more than evident and will definitely be appreciated more by fans of the series. But even those who have never had any contact with Shadowgate are given the chance to see a complete and excellently structured version of it.


  • Dark and evocative atmosphere... that's how Shadowgate Castle has always been!
  • Three levels of difficulty for all tastes.
  • The solid, if static images and the classic, beloved soundtrack.


  • Its difficulty and old school controls may discourage many users from bothering with it.
  • After the credits it has nothing more to offer in terms of replayability.

RATING - 75%


Νίκος Καλαγκιάς

Nikos is a gamer who is characterized by two simple words: "Steel" and "Fire". Yes, you got it right. Any video game that has a fantasy/medieval element in it has his name written all over it. He plays mostly RPGs and strategies while never saying no to well-polished hack 'n slash fantasy titles. Where the war horn sounds, where steel meets steel, where courage and heroism transcend everything and the sacrifice of a brother exalts the warrior ideals... you will find Nikos next door screaming: "Chaaaarge!"


  1. Με ψήνεις άγρια Νίκο. Το είχα πιτσιρικάς στον Apple II και φυσικά με τα τότε πενιχρά Αγγλικά μου δεν είχα καταφέρει να κάνω και πολλά πράγματα. Ίσως τώρα επιτέλους ασχοληθώ κανονικά μαζί του!

  2. Το είδα όταν ανακοινώθηκε και με έχει ψήσει αρκετά. Πάει για αγορά σίγουρα! Πολύ καλό και το review!

  3. Ωραίο κείμενο, αν κάτι μου φάνηκε περιέργο είναι ότι δεν προϊδεάζει για το τελικό σκορ. Νow before you get me started on this, έχω εκφράσει πολλές φορές ότι είμαι κατά των βαθμολογιών, το κείμενο είναι το ζουμί κτλ. αλλά ενώ η παρουσίαση μου έβγαζε ένα πολύ θετικό τόνο, μόλις έφτασα στη βαθμολόγηση ήμουν λίγο…”Wot”. Όχι ότι το 7.5 δε σημαίνει καλό απλά περίμενα κατι περισσότερο, anyway… :p
    Σχετικά με τα δαδιά που λες, δε γίνεται απλά να ανάβεις άλλα που βρίσκεις μέσα στο κάστρο και ουσιαστικά να μεταφέρεις τη φωτιά σε κάθε μέρος που βρίσκεσαι (κερδίζοντας κάποιο χρόνο από το να ψάχνεις υποχρεωτικά για αναμμένα)?

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