Έρχονται οι Mutators αναλυτικά τα http://steamcommunity.com/games/252950/announcements/detail/38639664913723902" class="bbcode_url">Patch Notes v1.08
Ενδεικτικά κάποιες από τις αλλαγές
Μutator Presets
Beach Ball - A huge, slow, lightweight ball with a lot of bounce
Cubic - Cube shaped ball and recharging boost
Moonball - Low gravity action with a whole lot of boost
Pinball - The ball is small, light, fast and bouncy… and a lot to handle
Time Warp - Slow down the action as you get close to the ball
Custom Options
Match Length - 5, 10, 20 Minutes, and Unlimited
Max Score - Unlimited, 1 Goal, 3 Goals, 5 Goals
Game Speed - Default, Slo-Mo, Time Warp
Ball Max Speed - Default, Slow, Fast, Super Fast
Ball Type - Default, Cube
Ball Weight - Default, Light, Heavy, Super Light
Ball Size- Default, Small, Large, Gigantic
Ball Bounciness- Default, Low, High, Super High
Boost Amount - Default, Unlimited, Recharge (Slow), Recharge (Fast), No Boost
Boost Strength - 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 10x
Gravity - Default, Low, High, Super High
Demolish - Default, Disabled, Friendly Fire, On Contact, On Contact (FF)
Respawn Time - 3 Seconds, 2 Seconds, 1 Second