REPLACED announced, a sci-fi action-platformer
One of the most interesting indie games announced at today's E3 was REPLACED. It's a 2.5D platform action title set in a future dystopia, with a cyberpunk aesthetic and a strong Blade Runner flavor. According to information from the official site, we take control of R.E.A.C.H., an artificial intelligence trapped in a human body. The A.I. will try to understand the human perspective in a society that has been decadent due to corruption and greed.
Replaced will combine elements of cinematic platforming and non-stop action, with a compelling story set in an alternate 1980s. The game is expected to be released in 2022, with no exact date given at this time.
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Φαίνεται όντως σπέσιαλ.
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Σκληρότατη παιχνιδάρα φαίνεται αυτό, wishlist κολασμένο.
Όλε, συμφωνήσαμε σε κάτι! Το λουκ είναι υπέροχο, μακάρι το ίδιο να ισχύει για το gameplay.