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STALKER series (LTTP & more)


Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
Αν εξαιρέσω τον αφηγητή που θυμίζει ντοκιμαντέρ του ΣΚΑΪ για γυναικείες φυλακές και ότι κάποια σημεία δε με βρίσκουν απόλυτα σύμφωνο, γενικά είναι ένα πολύ καλό βίντεο για τη σειρά, με πολλά ενδιαφέροντα στοιχεία για την ιστορία ανάπτυξης.


Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
Πέρυσι τέτοιο καιρό
Κεντρική σελίδα. Στόλκερ 2. Τρέμω.Τάιμ το ανλης δε μημς
(Credit στον @zombiecow που το έβαλε στο Discord το νέο)




Ancient Red Dragon
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
Μεγάλη συγκίνηση! Αρκεί βέβαια να μην καζουαλοποιηθεί υπερβολικά.


Approval of the Admiral PCMaster Veteran Rocket League RQ Crew 1st Tournament
Dec 1, 2012


Φασαίος Larianός Approval of the Admiral Fighting stocism with stoicism Order of Alucard
Feb 23, 2013
μπήκα ήδη σε κλίμα xD



Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012

Έχουμε δρόμο ακόμα... αν δείξουν το παραμικρό σε αυτή την E3 θα εκπλαγώ.

Tony Corvus

Ancient Red Dragon
Φασαίος Larianός Τσοβόλα δώστα όλα Sign me up! Approval of the Admiral
Dec 1, 2012

official artwork και τα σχετικα...


Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012

(συνέχεια από εδώ: PC-Gaming News)

Φαίνεται πως δε σκοπεύουν να το κάνουν αποκλειστικό για κάποιο κατάστημα...
Είμαι περίεργος πως θα δείχνει το παιχνίδι με την UE4 (εκτός αν αργήσει τόσο που έχει βγει η 5 λελ), είναι εντυπωσιακή ανά περιπτώσεις π.χ. Jedi Fallen Order, Song of Horror, GRIP κλπ. και θετικό ότι είναι δοκιμασμένη και χρησιμοποιείται ευρέως, αλλά ρε γαμώτο θα προτιμούσα κάποια ιδιόκτητη μηχανή όπως είχε γίνει με την x-ray στα προηγούμενα που ίσως να έδινε ξεχωριστή αίσθηση,

Καλά ας βγει πρώτα, που το πιπιλάνε 200 χρόνια
Άσε τι λένε οι φανς και το wishful thinking τους... δε θα θυμάσαι ότι εκείνο το prototype σε αρχικό στάδιο ακυρώθηκε και πετάχτηκε στα σκουπίδια (αν θυμάμαι σωστά ο λόγος ήταν ότι το είχαν σπρώξει στους κονσολοκράτες και τους έριξαν άκυρο, μετά ακολούθησε και η διάλυση της GSC) και το sequel ανακοινώθηκε επίσημα πριν 1.5 χρόνο.


Umber Hulk
Φασαίος Larianός Approval of the Admiral
Sep 17, 2013
Stalker λατρεια ;)


Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
Καλλώπισα και τροποποίησα σε σημεία το αρχικό ποστ.
Δε νομίζω να το κάνω και στα υπόλοιπα... 😅


Ancient Red Dragon
Approval of the Admiral PCMaster Veteran Klika Member
Nov 26, 2012
Η μηχανή δεν έχει σημασία, το art direction και τα assets έχουν. Δηλαδή αυτό που λέμε πχ ότι μπορείς να καταλάβεις ότι κάποια παιχνίδια έγιναν με την τάδε μηχανή γραφικών, είναι γιατί κρατάνε κάποια ίδια assets και εφέ που είτε έρχονται πακέτο με την μηχανή, είτε είναι στο assets store διαθέσιμα για όλους.
Το screen καλό, αλλά λίγο. Ψήθηκα τώρα να βάλω πάλι STALKER :p αν και το alpha το παράτησα γιατί ήταν πολύ ίδιο με το πρώτο παιχνίδι και βαριόμουν να ξαναπαίξω το πρώτο...


Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
το alpha το παράτησα γιατί ήταν πολύ ίδιο με το πρώτο παιχνίδι
Το Lost Alpha; Έχω γράψει ραψωδία γι' αυτό στις προηγούμενες σελίδες.
Tl;dr Lol not even close.


Ancient Red Dragon
Approval of the Admiral PCMaster Veteran Klika Member
Nov 26, 2012
Το Lost Alpha; Έχω γράψει ραψωδία γι' αυτό στις προηγούμενες σελίδες.
Tl;dr Lol not even close.
έκανα βλακεία που το παράτησα δηλαδή; Είχα στραβώσει που από ένα bug λόγο συγκεκριμένου trigger δεν με άφηνε πλέον να μπω στο bunker στο αρχικό camp και έπαιξα όσο έπαιξα αλλά μέχρι εκεί που έφτασα στο επόμενο base τελικά τα παράτησα γιατί μου φάνηκε πολύ όμοιο για να με ψήσει.


Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
Η πρώτη περιοχή είναι ίσως η μόνη που φέρνει στο νου το αρχικό παιχνίδι γιατί έχει τις λιγότερες αλλαγές. Μπες Garbage και τα λέμε :p
Ξεκίνα με νέο παιχνίδι αν είναι, στην 1.4007 Director's Cut που είναι η πιο polished έκδοση μέχρι τώρα (ίσως έχει βγει νεότερη δεν έχω τσεκάρει).

captain kal

Death Knight
Dec 2, 2012
Για κάποιον που δεν το έχει παίξει ποτέ, τι mod να χρησιμοποιήσει?


Ancient Red Dragon
Approval of the Admiral PCMaster Veteran Klika Member
Nov 26, 2012
Η πρώτη περιοχή είναι ίσως η μόνη που φέρνει στο νου το αρχικό παιχνίδι γιατί έχει τις λιγότερες αλλαγές. Μπες Garbage και τα λέμε :p
Ξεκίνα με νέο παιχνίδι αν είναι, στην 1.4007 Director's Cut που είναι η πιο polished έκδοση μέχρι τώρα (ίσως έχει βγει νεότερη δεν έχω τσεκάρει).
Μόλις βγήκε ακόμα νεότερο έκδοση από τον dev από την Ρωσία, οι άλλοι το είχαν παρατήσει από το 2018,

με bing translator από Ρώσικα:
Finally collected everything about LADC EXTENDED (current version 2.09). Although the list is far from complete, the changes are still to write and write about.

"More than 60 cyclical quests have been added to various quest guides.

"All anomalies are rebalanced and divided into 4 strength groups instead of 3. Now the deeper you enter the zone, the stronger the anomalies and artifacts that occur. The chance of spawning of single anomalies and the chance for clusters has been reduced. For each location added from 1 to 3 anomalous zones that give birth to artifact after ejection. Each zone is marked on the map on its first visit.

"The mechanism for obtaining skill points has been redesigned. Now they are given for their experience. The more skill points you gain, the more experience you need for the next skill point. In the skill box is a counter that shows how much is left until the next one. Points for some complex and long quests and remained.

"Most northern locations (starting from the landfill) have permanent radiation, which protects helmets, high-security suits, or artifacts. At very large locations there is no radiation, you can remove the helmet, breathe freely and sprint for a long time.

"A lot of new respavners have been added, both with mutants and with nps. Random detachments of clear skies, mercenaries and military stalkers have been added to some locations. More respaus for other groups.

- Cut out the transport and remade the quest that was associated with it

- Some plot and secondary quests have been reworked. The leader of sin no longer takes things, but gives a reward after his quests. The quest with the hologram in the X7 has been removed and replaced with something more adequate. In general, the seismic installation in the vicinity of Pripyat has been replaced by a psi-installation, all quests associated with it have been redesigned.

-Several new weather cycles, rebalanced the chances of all cycles for greater uniformity.

Rebalancing traders. Now different traders buy and sell goods of different categories at different prices. Someone will be more profitable to sell costumes, someone weapons, etc.

"Hood has been redesigned to be more complex and minimalistic.

- The complexities of the master and the veteran have become more difficult, and the difficulties experienced and newcomer have become easier.

- The balance of the game is complicated in order to motivate the player to use artifacts, medicines, helmets and costumes and upgrades for them

"Some of the caches are too light cut, and many new whimpers have been added to the locations, but they are more hidden.

"All the fixes and updates currently available are built in

" A huge number of bugs, quest errors, inaccurate dialogues have been fixed. There is no detailed list, as the number of such fixes is simply off the scale.

" Added the effects of the "brain burner" on radar, cement plant, the christenings of Pripyat. The brain burner antennas on the Radar cannot be approached (as long as it is working) without a good psi helmet within a radius of 300 meters, and it is not possible in a radius of 50 meters.

"Part of the mods are built in.

"There are a lot of bug and departure fixes.

- Fixing the curves of the texur, replacing the old low-quality with new ones. Total redesigned or replaced with about a hundred textures.

Version 2.0 changes:

Plot corrections:
- Mercenaries do not attack the bar and Debt does not move to a new bar.
- The release of the Doctor in the Dead City (less lags, fewer friezes, fewer corpses) has been changed, and Freedom is involved in the release.
- The surroundingarea of Pripyat is now a dangerous, almost deserted place in the heart of the zone. Freedom also helps in correcting the situation.

"Safe zones of two types and the ability to save, sleep and use the remix only in them. Type 1 is always safe. Type 2 is safe only if there are no enemies nearby. Some saves take place themselves, during quests or plot.

"The abundance of some items has been reduced. Doesn't make the game directly more difficult, but fuels interest.

"Some caches are only available at low levels of difficulty.

"NPS no longer cross locations at the same point as the head of the hero. In other words, you won't show up in a crowd of enemies, even if the nps have crossed at the same time as you.

"Most nps (but not all) have money. Now it is not a standard 5000, but a different (random) amount depending on the rank and shooting range.

"Tool kits now lie randomly on locations, each set has 3 to 8 likely locations. For some quests, several points of appearance have also been added.

- Built-in mod on animation items

"The location of pripyat's Dungeon has been changed. Now it is more linear and not closed in a circle, it is easier to explore and easier to navigate.

-Fixed lighting errors and location optimization, X-16 Laboratory

Engine edits:

- Two console commands for optimization on very weak computers. Don't turn on commands if you don't have serious problems with FPS. There are NO options on the menu. ONLY the console. I will not paint the technology, but roughly speaking there is a disregard for small landfills at a distance. Each team has four options: off/low/medium/high optimization.

r__optimize_static_geom for static geometry. Low optimization is included by default - removing only very small landfills

r__optimize_dynamic_geom for dynamic geometry. By default, the optimization is off. If you put it on "medium" and above, some small objects will be removed completely, for example, you will not see crows.

- "Fatigue" option for helmets. That is, helmets also affect the rate of loss of stamina. Works as a power_loss in a suit.

- The dual use of psi-protection in all costumes, art, etc. has been corrected. Beware, fights with controllers have become more difficult.

- Changed the mapping of the parameters ""satisfaction", "radiation" " "recovery of psi-health"

- Support incomplete reloading for all weapons, both animation and sound. Everywhere there are if_exist, that is, if such parameters are not specified in the confiscation of weapons, everything will be as before. In the fashion itself, only pistols have such reloading.

- Correcting all the training in the game. As a result, the control bug is fixed in low psi-health.

-Removing one extra command on reflection. Two identical commands turned on and off reflections on the water, did not see. Shaker is attached to work properly. If you do not put the Shader, the reflections will always be VYCL.

- The grass display cannot be turned off completely. A legal cheat that made the game too easy. It is still possible to reduce the radius and density, the team is removed precisely to disable the grass.

- NPS and all sorts of objects do not disappear in the doorways on the speaker. Especially noticeable on the Agroprom. This means a bug, where only shadows were visible from NPS and mutants.

"The carousel now tightens the dead bodies and rips them apart. Previously, the bodies fell without reaching the point of rupture. Other bugs associated with

- Items on locations, such as a leaf on the table of the sidor, no longer flicker. Or at least not so much.

- There is a zero chance of departure when npas leave you in an open window of trade or dialogue.

- Some small edits, calibrated start-up settings graphics.

Spav's fixes:

- Fixed the problem spawn ingess (for example, appeared too early, etc.).

- Huge crowds of mutants, such as hundreds of wild boars in the Sev Hills, have been fixed. In general, groups of mutants have become smaller throughout the zone.

- The NPS points are too close to the crossings, such as the Monolith camps, which stand close to the point where the player appears on the Radar.

Κατέβασμα εδώ (τσεκάρετε και με κανά antivirus καλού κακού)

Θέλει όμως να έχεις εγκαταστήσει την κανονική έκδοση από εδώ και να κάνεις μαγκιές και αντικαταστάσεις αρχείων

nstall instructions (google translated):

1) Install the 1.4007 version of the game.
2) Delete the appdata and mods folders.
3) Inside the gamedata folder: delete the spawns folder (if there is one) the spawns.db0, textures.db6 archives. Then in the levels folder delete la21_generators2.db0
4) Unpack the downloaded archive into the folder with the installed game confirming the replacement of the files.
5) Launch the launcher and in the mod section, install LADC Extended. (YOU MUST ENABLE THIS MOD TO GET UPDATES FOR IT)
6) After installing LADC Extended, you can install mods from the launcher to taste.

*I did a fresh install of 1.4007, then installed this. I recommend others do the same. DO NOT INSTALL ANY MODS IF DOING A FRESH INSTALL, WILL MAKE IT EASIER.


Patch notes located below, let it auto translate, there is so much fixed/changed! This update includes all previous storyline fixes and misc. updates like the engine update etc...


Some things to note after loading it up and playing/testing for a bit:

-The save system has been changed and is a bit odd. It will auto save upon moving in and out of camps. It seems like you can no longer quicksave (probably so there arent save file corruptions anymore) all the time, EXCEPT you can in designated "safe" areas. You can manually save in those same areas as well. I am guessing there are a number of those areas on each map.

-There are some included mods, like PRM weapon pack. I am playing with it now, because there are so many other good changes.

-The HUD has been changed to just a simple line for your health. I personally am not a fan of that, so you can revert back to the old HUD if you know how to in the files, or I just play with it totally off now anyway.

We will all have to help each other if there are issues. So try to contain discussion under this post, so its only about the extended edition.


**** Check out the ENG files in the addons section. Merged by bunito5109 and google translated by me.

Θέλει λίγο κόπο παραπάνω αλλά βλέπω αρκετές αλλαγές
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