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Το NeoGAF ανατινάχθηκε - ResetEra Driveby Trolling Thread


Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
3d Realms & Voidpoint -> Top 5 anime betrayals 2019



Approval of the Admiral
Oct 31, 2013
Ξεφτυλισμένα τζαστίδια του κιαρατά. Θα αγόραζα "χθες" το παιχνίδι μόνο και μόνο για στήριξη των devs, αλλά από οτι βλέπω η 3d realms υποκύπτει και αυτή στις σύγχρονες ανώμαλες τάσεις.


Φασαίος Larianός Approval of the Admiral Fighting stocism with stoicism Order of Alucard
Feb 23, 2013
έχουμε εξελίξεις βασικά απο το βιντεο του αδανιου. ο dev επανέφερε το αστείο που έβγαλε από το παιχνίδι. κλάμα οι sjw που ετσι και αλλιώς ΔΕΝ είχαν αγοράσει το παιχνίδι.


https://kotaku.com/ion-fury-developer-backtracks-says-it-wont-remove-gay-1837587508">https://kotaku.com/ion-fury-developer-backtracks-says-it-wont-remove-gay-1837587508     (κλάψε κοτακου κλάψε)

tl;dr: στην ουσία είδαν κατακραυγή από άτομα που αγόρασαν το παιχνίδι και οτι οι sjw ήταν μόνο κλάμα και καβούρια στην τσέπη.


Death Knight
Nov 3, 2014
[quote quote=518889]Έχει ξεφύγει τελείως η κατάσταση και πραγματικά δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω γιατί δεν έχουν αρχίσει να παίρνουν μέτρα εναντίον αυτών των ακροτήτων. ΠΩΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΔΥΝΑΤΟΝ Ο ΓΟΝΕΑΣ ΝΑ ΑΠΟΦΑΣΙΖΕΙ ΑΝ ΤΟ ΠΑΙΔΙ ΤΟΥ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΤΡΑΝΣ Η ΟΧΙ;;;;; Επίσης νόμιζα ότι όλη η φασαρία ήταν ότι οι τράνς άνθρωποι είναι <span style="text-decoration: underline"><strong>ελεύθεροι</strong></span> να επιλέγουν την σεξουαλικότητά τους και αποζητούσαν την αποδοχή από την κοινωνία. Το να <span style="text-decoration: underline"><strong>αναγκάζεις </strong></span> κάποιον να γίνει τρανς καταπιέζεις όχι μόνο την ελευθερία του, αλλά και ότι πρεσβεύει το κίνημα που ακολουθείς.


Καταγγέλλω ρητορική μίσους η οποία πηγάζει από τις τρανσοφοβικές σου τάσεις. Τώρα πάω να το ποστάρω σε όλα τα social media και να κάνω καριέρα.


Φασαίος Larianός Approval of the Admiral Fighting stocism with stoicism Order of Alucard
Feb 23, 2013
[quote quote=518920]
<blockquote class="gdbbx-bbcode-quote">
<div class="gdbbx-quote-title">https://ragequit.gr/forums/topic/%cf%84%ce%bf-neogaf-%ce%b1%ce%bd%ce%b1%cf%84%ce%b9%ce%bd%ce%ac%cf%87%ce%b8%ce%b7%ce%ba%ce%b5/page/11/#post-518889">J.Lynx wrote:
Έχει ξεφύγει τελείως η κατάσταση και πραγματικά δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω γιατί δεν έχουν αρχίσει να παίρνουν μέτρα εναντίον αυτών των ακροτήτων. ΠΩΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΔΥΝΑΤΟΝ Ο ΓΟΝΕΑΣ ΝΑ ΑΠΟΦΑΣΙΖΕΙ ΑΝ ΤΟ ΠΑΙΔΙ ΤΟΥ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΤΡΑΝΣ Η ΟΧΙ;;;;; Επίσης νόμιζα ότι όλη η φασαρία ήταν ότι οι τράνς άνθρωποι είναι <span style="text-decoration: underline"><strong>ελεύθεροι</strong></span> να επιλέγουν την σεξουαλικότητά τους και αποζητούσαν την αποδοχή από την κοινωνία. Το να <span style="text-decoration: underline"><strong>αναγκάζεις </strong></span> κάποιον να γίνει τρανς καταπιέζεις όχι μόνο την ελευθερία του, αλλά και ότι πρεσβεύει το κίνημα που ακολουθείς.</blockquote>
Καταγγέλλω ρητορική μίσους η οποία πηγάζει από τις τρανσοφοβικές σου τάσεις. Τώρα πάω να το ποστάρω σε όλα τα social media και να κάνω καριέρα.


κατευθείαν για resetera.



Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
Λίγο ακόμα για να https://www.resetera.com/threads/alec-holowka-night-in-the-woods-towerfall-accused-of-sexual-assault-update-alec-holowka-has-reportedly-passed-away-see-staff-posts-threadmarks.137449/">ανατιναχθεί και το Reset Era. Τραγικό πάντως, πως η δικαιοσύνη του όχλου και του Twitter έσπρωξαν έναν άνθρωπο στην αυτοκτονία...


Φασαίος Larianός Approval of the Admiral Fighting stocism with stoicism Order of Alucard
Feb 23, 2013
πραγματικά έβλεπα σχόλια στο tweet της αδερφής του και μου βγήκαν τα μάτια. υπήρχε άτομο που στεγνά και κατά λέξη έγραψε "good riddance" . δλδ σοβαρά η άλλη πενθεί και στέλνεις την μαλάκια σου? σε κάποια φάση θα ξανανοίξει το twitter η zoe quinn και θα δηλώσει θύμα πάλι.

κρίμα για τον άνθρωπο αυτό που ενώ προσπαθούσε να ξεπεράσει τα όποια ψυχολογικά προβλήματα είχε απέκτησε και ένα mob που χωρίς να ξέρει την οποία αλήθεια απλά δέχτηκε κάποια γραφόμενα στο twitter τα πηρε σαν actual facts χωρίς να ρωτήσει τπτ και τον οδήγησε στην αυτοκτονία.


Death Knight
Nov 26, 2012
Είναι γενικώς γελοίο κι επικίνδυνο που το «αθώος μέχρι αποδείξεως του εναντίου», έχει μετατραπεί σε «ένοχος μέχρι αποδείξεως του εναντίου».


Death Knight
May 27, 2014
Γενικώς ζούμε στην εποχή του λαικού δικαστηρίου. Κάποιος απλώς κατηγορεί κάποιον χωρίς αποδείξεις , αρχίζει το sharing στα μέσα δικτύωσης και βρίσκεται ο άλλος μπλεγμένος και αντιμέτωπος απειλών από το πουθενά.


Φασαίος Larianός Approval of the Admiral Fighting stocism with stoicism Order of Alucard
Feb 23, 2013
υπάρχουν άτομα στο twitter που ωθούν τον κόσμο να δώσει λεφτά στην zoe quinn αυτές τις δύσκολες ώρες που περνάει.



Death Knight
May 27, 2014
Εγώ γενικότερα το έλεγα για τα λαικά δικαστήρια. Παντού γίνονται. Πχ στο facebook μία κατηγόρησε ένα παλικάρι ότι πάτησε με το αυτοκίνητο του ένα γατάκι επειδή δεν πήγαινε τις γάτες. Κλασικά αρχισε να γίνεται παντού share αυτό μέχρι που αρχίσαν και την στήναν έξω από το σπίτι του για εκφοβισμό και πήρε η μπάλα και την κοπέλα του επειδή απλώς είχε σχέση μαζί του. Τελικά αποδείχθηκε ότι το παλικάρι ουδεμία σχέση είχε με την κατηγορία. Πόσο μάλλον που το γατάκι δεν είχε πεθάνει από αυτοκίνητο. Ασχέτως ότι αυτή που τον κατηγορούσε έλεγε ότι το είδε να συμβαίνει μπροστά της.


Approval of the Admiral PCMaster Veteran Rocket League RQ Crew 1st Tournament
Dec 1, 2012


Horror addict
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
OMG He's back! Κλειδώστε πριν ξαναφύγει!!!111!

Tony Corvus

Ancient Red Dragon
Φασαίος Larianός Τσοβόλα δώστα όλα Sign me up! Approval of the Admiral
Dec 1, 2012
Heyo, need some guidance y'all (not southern, just feeling quirky).

Warning, this'll be a long play by play of a date I went on last night. I'm trying to get a 2nd opinion on whether it went well or not.

So for anyone not in the know here's the basic version:
1. Matched with girl on Bumble and had a good time texting (got pretty flirtatious)
2. Was gonna ask her out but she beat me to it, I suggested she show me some good vegan restaurants in town.
3. She asked if I was planning to come over as well, this seemed pretty early so I said I wasn't planning on it but wasn't opposed, she decided since she's sick a low pressure date was probably best.
4. Because it seemed like she wanted more and had previously said she likes movies/shows with dark stories I suggested we could catch Doctor Sleep after eating. She was very very enthusiastic about the idea.

Now anyone interested is caught up, and here's the new stuff. (Excuse what may be excessive detail, not sure how much I should describe.)

We met up at the place talked a bit before ordering our food, which we did separately because we were at a food cart "pod" and I chose a different cuisine than her (of course I still chose to eat vegan despite ordering separately since it seems like it'd be pretty rude not to). I made sure to get a side which we could share and she thanked me for offering it.

We met back up at the meeting place and I told her I was sorry about her sore throat, which she mentioned just after meeting up (and was also pretty obvious because her voice was hoarse). She said it looked even worse than it sounds then corrected herself after a second by saying she meant to say it felt even worse than it sounded. I mentioned that that sucks but it didn't bother me, also I didn't say this but since her correction made it seem like she was a bit nervous too I was relieved a little bit of mine. I have a sling bag that was on my left side between us and I took it off and put it on my right side so we could get closer if we wanted, though spoiler alert we never did.

We started chatting about some pretty basic stuff (like "how was your day at work/university") and that went well enough. She's a part-time preschool teacher so I relayed a funny story about when my 2nd older brother worked at a kindergarten and she seemed to think it was pretty funny (not a ton of laughs but I think I got something there).

I asked about her bumble tags describing herself as spiritual and "not sure yet" what she's looking for. For the former I thought maybe that might have meant she could be Wiccan, Pagan or otherwise polytheistic so I mentioned that my mother is the owner and editor of two major Wiccan/Pagan magazines, but nope got nothing there since she hadn't heard of it (not too surprising I guess). She basically said she listed herself as spiritual because she and her roommates had both independently seen a spirit of a little boy in their shared house.

I'm a little skeptical but didn't want to write it off, saying there are definitely a lot of things in the world that defy explanation (sort of wanted to relay my own story about that, but it involves my family all seeing a UFO not a spirit so didn't want to come off as a kook). Instead I think I came off instead like I was too skeptical oh well. I mentioned the reason I said I listed myself as agnostic was because both the idea of the universe being created by a greater power and the idea of it all coming from nothing are about equally strange ideas.

Probably messed up my mentioning that this specific phrasing for something I had basically already been thinking came from a youtube video about the "philosophy of South Park" which mentioned that that was basically Matt Stone and Trey Parker's religious outlook. Probably came off like I based my world view on South Park (I could tell she at least initially thought that was weird), which is not really what I was going for.

Anyways as for the "not sure what I'm looking for" part, she mentioned that it basically depended on the person and that she didn't like one night stands or emotionless hookups, but that she also felt that she wasn't interested or at least wasn't ready for being in a couple that spent all their time and energy on each other as it seemed restrictive. I told her that despite listing myself as "looking for a relationship", I was sort of similar in my outlook, that because I have to focus on getting my major and minor degrees I'm worried I wouldn't be able to be a truly dedicated and perfectly available boyfriend, but at the same time I'm not interested in one night stands either (which I presume was already conveyed by me declining to come over earlier).

I mentioned that that was one reason I was flattered but also caught off guard by that specific question, and she said that she "formally rescinded that offer" but mostly just because she was sick and didn't want to get me sick, and that if that wasn't the case "that offer might still be available", which I took as an encouraging sign that the date was going pretty well at least, despite not knowing for sure if she was serious.

One thing that I guess I'll mention here is that because I gave her some of the side I had ordered for us to share, she offered some of her food, specifically a half she hadn't eaten from yet so that she didn't risk spreading germs, and she didn't mind eating the rest from there. I offered some of my own food but she politely declined. I took both things as evidence that she was genuinely trying to keep me from being sick.

It was really cold so I remarked that the weird artsy fire place thing the tables were arranged around was really not that effective at all and she agreed and we both laughed a bit about that. She mentioned "it's pretty though" and I wanted to say "you're looking pretty tonight too" but I was currently stuffing my mouth just then, so there was a little bit more of a pause than I intended before I was able to say it, like I caught on to that opportunity a little too late.

She deflected it by saying she'd take that as "pure flattery" because she "obviously looked sick" and I told her that I honestly couldn't tell she was sick by looking at her. She seemed unsure whether I was being honest but I told her that really I couldn't tell, except for the voice which made it pretty obvious and I think we laughed a little bit about that. I was thinking before we met up that a good excuse to break the "touch barrier" would be suggesting because our hands were cold we could hold hands and share warmth but I never found an opportunity that seemed good at the time. In retrospect I probably should have gone for it then, but I was thinking because she had previously called herself out as "sexually aggressive" via text that because she was keeping a distance I should too.

We talked about a few other things. One thing I forgot to mention is that since the theater we were going to go requires you to reserve your seats online and I didn't want to miss the opportunity I asked her pretty quickly if I should reserve the tickets. She said because she was sick she was too tired to watch the movie, mentioning that she actually fell asleep while reading to some of her preschoolers and that she was worried she might fall asleep during the movie too. So we called that off early.

Since we were planning on that but it didn't end up working out, by the time we were both finished eating I didn't really know how to finish the date and to try to quickly end a growing awkward silence I said that "I don't know how to end dates lol". I think this was probably a mistake, as it seems like it probably becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, since it abruptly calls out the date as ending.

I asked if she had anything else she was curious about me (since I had asked a little more about her than the alternative, though I didn't say that) and she said she had had something in mind but she forgot it now and now felt there was a lot of pressure. I reassured her there was no pressure and she took a second or two to think and then said she couldn't remember it and "yeah, I guess we should end the date now" or something to that effect.

It seemed to me like she was disappointed I didn't do something to end it right but I really couldn't figure out how to end things besides kissing her but I felt I hadn't built up to that properly, both because we hadn't touched hands and that she was still maintaining what appeared like a friendly distance between us (despite me specifically clearing that distance by moving my bag). I really couldn't tell whether I should have gone for physical contact because she really seemed like she was maintaining the distance because she didn't want me to get sick. But at the same time she also seemed a little disappointed I didn't do something, so it's unclear what I should have done, and the way the date fizzled out as a result made me think right after that I probably blew it (the final thing she said "it was nice to meet you" came off as possibly implying some kind of finality, but she may not have meant to come off that way), but now I'm less sure and instead just confused, hence making this long post.

Sorry for the gigantic post, but hopefully one of you can offer an outside perspective on how this went now that I've laid it out in such detail.

BTW it's possible she also thought I was disappointed or disinterested because I didn't go for more (it didn't help that on top of everything I still haven't kissed anyone so I wasn't confident enough to just go for it), but I'm composing a text to let her know I had a good time so that clears that up. How is this:

"Hey, I really enjoyed meeting you last night! It was a bit mellower than I expected but I didn't want to try to escalate anything because you said you were so tired and it seemed you were trying hard to not get me sick (which I appreciate a lot)! I have a lot of homework to catch up on (both grading and doing myself) so unfortunately this weekend isn't free for me, but would you be interested in meeting to see Doctor Sleep next Friday?"

(For context, my part time job is to grade homework for a computer science class, so that's what I meant by "both grading and doing myself").

Edit: Oh for further context, this was my first official date. I'd been on 2.5 "proto-dates" before, once getting food after studying late with a study partner who I successively asked out to a movie at the end (though that eventually fizzled out for various reasons, one of which was probably because I didn't set a specific date), one sort of romantic walk with another classmate in another class (with a more indeterminate "yes" to seeing a movie) and then a coffee meet up with the first person again to gauge interest a final time to be sure.

Edit 2:

Wanted to send something before noon (PST) so sent this, which I think is a bit better than my previous text idea:

"Hey, I really enjoyed meeting you last night! I'm sorry you were feeling so under the weather! I hope you feel better soon! 😖

I really appreciate you going out of your way not to get me sick, I think I should have gone for a kiss though anyways lol.

Would you be interested in catching Doctor Sleep next Friday?"

Edit 3:

Also, for anyone who uses Bumble, I'm curious how long you've found it takes to sort through the pile of people to get to someone in your 'Beeline". In the few cases I've had so far it seemed like it only took an hour at most to get to them, but I have one in the "line" now and it seems like it's been several hours now. It felt at first like the algorithm was helping them appear in due time, but now it seems like it's back to being perky random. It's very fucking tiring.

Edit 4:

Well, I came back to the app just to "play the slots" again (it seriously seems like the same mindless slot machine app I saw someone playing with the same time as I was on it one time, so it stuck with me), and lo and behold, the person I was looking for was the first result. So there's definitely a bias to eventually stop wasting people's time even if they don't pay, so they don't hate the app is my guess).

Anyways she lives 50 miles in basically the opposite direction from Portland, so, fuck. Lol. Still, she's very attractive and seems like a genuinely very nice person based on her profile, but yeah that's not gonna work. I'm definitely glad I pulled someone that cool, but nope, just can't make that work.

Is there any way to change the center of the search radius in Bumble besides just lying and saying I live in Portland (OR btw) and turning off the access to the GPS? I wouldn't have matched with this cool girl, but I also wouldn't be reminded of just how limited my options are without a car.

Last edited:


Ancient Red Dragon
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012


Ancient Red Dragon
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012
Οτιδήποτε έχει σχέση με κοινωνικά θέματα είναι ναρκοπέδιο. Και "καλημέρα" να ποστάρεις, τον ένα μήνα ban τον έχεις σίγουρο.


Φασαίος Larianός Approval of the Admiral Fighting stocism with stoicism Order of Alucard
Feb 23, 2013
έχουμε τπτ περι της νέας σειράς ghost in the shell sac_2045? είμαι περίεργος να δω τι λένε γιατί είχε έναν χαρακτήρα μαύρο που του δώσανε το παρατσούκλι clown. οπότε θέλω να μάθω αντιδράσεις από εκεί.


Staff member
DDD PCMaster Veteran Order of Alucard Klika Member
Nov 26, 2012
Ποστ στο θρεντ 2 χρόνια μετά για ένα πολύ σημαντικό url.

Είναι ένα blog που καταγράφει όλα τα ban που πέφτουν στο ResetEra.

Symptoms include: Platform Warring, Meta-Commentary, Low-effort post, Ableist Rhetoric and Inappropriate Armchair Diagnosis, Creating a thread with a clickbait thread title, Concern trolling, Inflammatory Insinuations, Post Count Shaming


Staff member
Approval of the Admiral PCMaster Veteran RQ Elite Beta Tester
Nov 26, 2012
Post Count Shaming
Η ανώτατη μορφή forumικού bullying. Έχει δηλητηριάσει το internet σε σημείο που άλλα fora έχουν passive aggressive βαθμίδες αναλόγως το post count του μέλους. Πού βαδίζουμε?
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