Final Fantasy XVI announced and coming soon

Following an announcement by Square Enix, what we've known for many months, through the mouths of its developers, is now a fact. The latest ("canonical") chapter in the beloved Final Fantasy series, namely Final Fantasy XVI, will be released on Steam on September 17, 2024, less than a month from now.

The game is considered one of the most remarkable and unique Final Fantasy of recent years, being more "adult" in terms of plot, characters, and violence levels compared to its predecessors, in an attempt to slightly resemble the western RPG's.

It's worth mentioning that the game will be released with its two DLC's, which will be sold separately (49,99€ for the regular game, 69,99€ for the full content), while a demo has already appeared on Steam, so you can try it out.


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Γιώργος Δεμπεγιώτης

Lover of action, shooter, adventure, RPG's and sometimes racing games, he prefers mainly single-player gaming. Every now and then he breaks out into a multi, but he doesn't overdo it.

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